Monday, May 20, 2013

The sky is constantly leaking cloud sauce.

Hello there everybody:) I hope you are all smashing!
Haha i cant believe Tanner broke his foot exactly like I did. 'Stop copying me, gosh!' (Napolean voice)
And as for Heather's call...haha I'll talk to her about it. Not gonna lie, that truly suprised me. Ever since i got the news, my mind has been racing and covering nearly every possible reason why Provo needs her, or why she needs Provo. Someone give her a hug for me. But i'm glad everyone is doing well, and I love you all and I love how you are still in touch with mis amigos. They are part of the family! Keep it rollin
So this week....has been.....a bit interesting to say the least. Should I go with the bad or good first? Hmmm maybe some good, then bad, then finish off strong with some good.
First thing, last monday I got to go to the top of Hope Mountain! It was beautiful, and I felt like I was in the middle of Braveheart. I tried really hard to hear imaginary bagpipes off in the distance. But the view was breathtaking, and I could see nearly all of the mission boundries, from Liverpool, to Manchester and Blackpool and Newcastle and the sea. I was just about to take pictures when...a crazy spontaneous storm came upon us. The clouds got heavy and started pouring freeezing rain on us, then the crazy wind started blowing and it was insane and I was completely soaked and dripping and....It will be something that I will remember forever. Good times:)
Another good thing was our exchange this week! Elder Caleira came down from Chester to work here with me in my mission birthplace. We have so much flippin fun together, and he is definitley a true friend. I really hope that I can serve with him for real in the future, and that I can get the sweet hook ups and visit him over in Portugal. We experienced some mini miracles together, and in our study we had a lot of those 'Ah HA!' moments. He is really a Bruce R. McConkie wanna-bee, but it keeps it entertaining. Overall, the exchange was really fun, and I grew in confidence as I got to lead him in the area.
So the bad....over the course of the week, our teaching pool went from 1. It was devastating. These individuals we have befriended and been teaching are wonderful souls, yet outside forces have been working so hard against them. For example, Terrance was doing so amazing, and he was just soaking up the messages we shared and really felt and recegnized the spirit and had a strong desire to be baptized, yet....his friends unfortunatley persuaded him otherwise. The peer pressure poisoned his faith, and we received the heart depressing call of 'sorry...but this isnt for me'. It was so sad, and it felt like I lost a really good friend. Also, when we were heading over to teach Ruth, her angry neighbors started verbally attacking and threatening us and basically kicked us out. They are slowly brainwashing her into believing that we are bad people. My heart was depressed, and to make matters worse, we had to drop our other 2 investigators, Tony and Kim, becasuse they were simply not progressing whatsoever. Its a tough time, but I still have hope for them all. The seeds have been planted, but its simply not the right time to grow. Patience patience.
After some recovery, we picked up again and we worked hard and now I'm actaully feeling pretty good! On Sunday, we had the U.K. Stake Conference broadcast and it was exactly what we needed. Henry B. Eyring and Richard G. Scott spoke, and it seemed like they spoke to address our specific needs. Afterwards, we got to hang our the with other Elders and Sisters in our district for a bit and we had a good time. For lunch, we went over the Grandpa P's house, which is always an....experiece haha. He is crazy. And his whit is unmatched. Haha but I love battering back and forth with him, and its fun to have someone who shares a bit of the same humor as me. Oh yeah, he gives nicknames to nearly everyone on the planet and I am officially The Pope Magician, or Pope for short. Long story, dont ask. Haha but its better than my companion, Oldman Coleman. Over our tea, we had our fair share of harrasing eachother, but we also got to dive into long discussions about psychology and history. He was a psych teacher himself, it figures, but we got to talk and learn a lot. It was some excellent times.
Hmmm so nothing too exciting, but i ate some really good food this week. James took us to a Carvery's Pub and it was basically and all you can eat roast kind of thing, and it was the bomb. We also had a tea appointment with Bro. Jones and he made a massive bowl of peala (i dont know how to spell it, but its portuguese). Basically a huge dish of rice, spices, prawns, squid, muscles, pork chops, veggies and everything else that is delicious. Major food baby.
So I love you all, and i want you to know that you are an amazing strength to me. I am grateful to be raised in the way that i was, and I use all the memories that I have to strengthen my teaching towards others. That's all i have for now, but I'll be looking forward to talking to you next week! K bye and stuff!
Elder Goodman
p.s. the sky is constantly leaking cloud sauce

Sweet ride

The sky is eating my camera:

Near the top of Mt. Hope

Local town name, say what?

 Mustache cat:

Grandpa P:


1 comment:

  1. The awesome thing about reading Bryant's weekly letters is that I can totally hear his voice telling me all this. He is such an amazing soul and I am proud to be his (favorite) aunt. JK...I meant favorite Aunt Kelli.
