Thursday, November 28, 2013


Hello everyone!!! First off, I love you all. Secondly, I am dead tired. I got transferred from my home in Stafford, to none other than Barrow-in-Furness! The beautiful  ghetto by the sea. Along with the transfer meeting in Manchester, it meant almost an entire day traveling. I am dead, but its good to be here. I dont know too much about this place, and I have heard very mixed reviews from the other missionaries who served here, but I am up for whatever the adventure. I got in last night at 7:30 or so, scrapped together some food, then went to teach a lovely but crazy recent convert named Elizabeth. She already has given me gifts...a book about Winston Churchill, a sketchy chinese sweater, and a bar of soap. God bless her. Haha good old Barrow.
My best mission friend Elder Caleira served here just before me, so all transfer meeting we talked and laughed for hours and he gave me all the deets. Basically...I will be in for an adventure. My new companion is Elder Diederich from Alaska! He has only been out 4 months or so, and is pretty chill, so it should be a good transfer. Our flat is gigantic compared to the tiny little box in Stafford. It has two levels, and it could really be a 4 man flat if it needed to be. I'll send some pics on monday if i can! But this morning, a bit unexpectedly, the plumbers came and started fixing our water heater and other junk, and will be working all I wont really be able to unpack and settle for a while. Luckily the only other missionaries in my district are the two elders in Kendall (a beautiful area in the lake district), so call-ins are going to be mega easy. And I'll actually be able to go on exhanges this transfer other than the Zone Leaders! I'm stoked.
I'm already in love with the Cumbrian accents here. Its a varitation of a scottish and northern english accent, and I dig it. Haha maybe I'll pick up a little cumbrian accent for the christmas skype! Probably not, but who knows. We will see how my voice box handles it.
Other than that...I dont have too much to share at the moment. The good byes in Stafford were a bit emotional, I never knew that I would grow so close and attatched to people in such a short bit of time, but its time to move on and I'm ready to start this next chapter in my life. I am in love with this mission, and I am in love with these people, cultures and lands and the gospel. More adventures await, and i'll get back to on monday, but for now...Peace out!
Elder Goodman
p.s. Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Mark's Baptism, Zone conference, loving life.

Hello hello hello everyone! Holy cow, this was a good day of emails. Everyone sounds so happy and is so full of love, and its contagious. I even laughed out loud a couple times in this dead quiet library. Awkward, but worth it. I blame dad's mustache. And its so good that grandma and grandpa have finally moved down!!! I'm so stoked to get in on the family parties when I get back, and yes, I am even still excited having to deal with Jeff's death farts. Bring it on. Ha so anyways, I am doing really well. I will try to answer everyone's separate questions, so this email might be a speed round. But yes it is true.....I am HotTuna (nacho voice), and I love England!
So this week has been really really good. Why? Well for several reasons.

My district meeting with the Zone Leaders and my district sisters went really well! After the 3 legged race/nerf shoot out/drawing relay, we discussed the importance and power of companionship unity in finding and teaching. Everything that was said by everyone was really inspired! And we are already seeing big changes.

After the meeting, I had an exchange with my Swedish Zone Leader, Elder Wirtala! We had the car, so we got to explore and teach people all over Newcastle-under-Lyme. It is a beautiful, hilly city, and I love the Jordy accents. I met so many amazing people, and it was amazing how fast and how easily it was to fall in love with them all, even the crazy ones. Even the kid who tried to through a towel across the dinner table, covered in curry sauce, which ended up hitting my tie and utterly destroying it, and even Josef, the crazy alcoholic but tender-hearted Polish man who insisted that we eat some dodgy polish sausages. Don't worry, i'm not dead. But it was a really good exchange, and I learned so much from my new swedish friend, who almost convinced me to move to Sweden. I am going there someday, and that is a promise. Jag alsker dig! (Yag alsker day) (I love you!)

We found a new investigator named Barry! He knows martial arts. Party on.

We had a powerful lesson with Sister White, who is probably facing every single trial possible at the moment. She is such a strong member, but everything in her life is tearing her down at the minute...death in the family, poor work, family drama, and terrible health and stress. Luckily though...there is the priesthood, and by the power of the priesthood, people can be healed, and that's what happened to her the next day. Even though it was only temporary, the blessing of peace and healing has helped her in a way that she gained enough confidence and energy to face her challenges with a new "do your worst" attitude. I love her spirit.

Spontaneous adventure in Uttoxeter! We were trying to track down a less active member who just came up on the records, but after traveling all morning we was going to be impossible to find this little barn in the middle of the huge countryside without a car. So, we had to abandon our plans, but we found another less-active family from Hungary in the process! Good times.

We had another lesson with Jagtar! I love him to death, and we have long and deep discussions about faith and god and humanity and anything else that comes up. He is such a hippie, and I dig it. We also got to know his Russian wife, and she is super intense but bubbly at the same time, I have no clue how that works. She's russian, that's all I can say. But she taught us some Russian even though its super difficult, but here is what i got! (English pronunciation)
Preeviet- hello
Spaciba- thank you
Doe Svindania- good bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (its fun to say it hardcore russian style)
I love learning other languages and phrases. I use some Polish nearly everyday! Its a new passion, and I feel it spices up life. I just cant decide what will be the first language I will learn for real when I get back. And mom, I don't think i really have an English accent, or at least a proper one. There are too many Americans around. But who know's, you will hear me soon! Christmas skype-time rules.

Ah yes, Mark's baptism!!! It was so good. Words don't do it justice, but it was just a really happy day. Mark was way nervous but happy, even though the water boiler didn't work and the water was absolutely freezing. Our investigator Paul showed up! and I know that he really felt the spirit. President Preston showed up so it was good to see his face and get a warm British bear hug from him again. Tony was totally stoked that he got to baptize Mark, even though he was just baptized a handful of months ago. Ah, it was just a good day.We are happy to have Mark here in the Stafford Branch. Miracles happen, and he is proof of that.

Well my loved ones, I hope you continue on having happy times with each other, and I can't wait to chill and party on with you all when I get back. I miss you, and I love you all. Next week is transfers, so I wont be able to email till next Thursday, but till then, Peace out home skillets!

Elder Goodman
aka BA
aka HotTuna

Monday, November 11, 2013

Good things are happening here in Stafford!

Hey everyone! Greetings from the land of rain, gravy and fireworks. I love you all. Even though its cloudy and drizzly and cold nearly everyday, I'm loving life. Good things are happening here in Stafford!
So tuesday was none other than "remember remember the 5th of November", Guy Fawkes night (V for Vendetta). Basically, everyone just launches off a butt ton of fireworks. I was never a super fan of watching fireworks, but this celebration made it special. Sadly though, because of mission policy and safey reasons, Elder Hatch and I had to be in our flat by 5 pm, lame sauce. But we made the most of it, found a huge box of christmas decorations, and made our flat into christmas headquarters. Our tree is amazing. Mom, you would be proud.

So the rest of the week was pretty good! We were able to teach our investigator Paul who we havent seen in quite some time, and we were also able to meet with a newly returning member Paul Mcmanus (or Paul McWonderful as Sister Barney calls him). Things are going good with them both, and we are seeing the mighty changes that the spirit is having on their lives.

We had another adventure in Penkridge! It was really cold and there were some major McShivers going on, but we met some amazing people. First off, as we were hiking down a really long country road, we met a woman, who was actually baptized by Elder Hatch's uncle! Small world, small world. After that we had a very lovely but very loud evening with the Johnsons. The mother's name is Kay, and she is basically the best missionary mom ever. She takes care of us, and she makes killer hot chocolate. She might take us to some sights soon, and i'm really excited to see and learn more about the deep culture here. There is so much story for every little place here, and I love it.
So on Saturday morning, we got a random call from ours and the sisters investigator Mark. He is in the process of reconstructing his hectic life, and he said he needed our help. About an hour's walk later, we finally found his new flat, and he told us that he needed our help to move a washing machine from another members home into his flat. The problem is...he thought that we had a car. Nope. And we couldnt find anyone with a car big enough to transport the washing machine. So...we ended up putting our muscles on and the three of us carried a heavy washing machine across town, and back up his narrow stairs into his flat, all the while in our suits. It must have looked a bit odd, but hey, we did work. Spontaneous acts of service are so good, not only for our joy, but it also opens up the eyes of those recieving the service. Afterwards, we had a simple but powerful lesson with him, and I was filled with the spirit and he ended with his very humble, but very sincere prayer. We love Mark, and guess what...he is getting baptized this coming Saturday!! His story and conversion is really one big miracle, and all of us here in Stafford are stoked to welcome him into the branch.

On Sunday, we had a Rememberance service for all the soldiers who fought in the Great War with a moment of silence. It was a unique and very reverant experience, especially seeing everyone wear their red poppys on their coats. Afterwards though was really lame.....the heating system failed, so the chapel got pretty chilly and all the rest of the meetings were cancelled. At home, I probably would have been happy with church being cancelled, but was a major bummer. Very lame indeed. But anyways, Elder Hatch and I headed over to Tony Chapman's house and we made really good, cheeseless pizzas and chilled and had a good lesson. Tony is baptizing Mark, so we got him all prepared and stoked for that. Its amazing because he is such a new member himself, but he has a powerful and reverant testimony. I cant wait for Saturday! I love being a missionary and being on the front lines of all of this.
So other than being persecuted pretty hard in the gun/knife shop right before this, nothing else too crazy happened this week. Oh yeah I forgot, Sister Nemec in our district got head-butted in the nose really hard by a young woman in her ward. That was pretty funny. Its interesting to have a distict of all sisters. There is minor drama, and two of them have health problems, and Sister Barney might be sent home soon because of hers. I still love being a district leader to be able to look out and help and teach everyone...haha but sometimes I wish I could just....chill. Oh well, I will just hibernate hardcore when I get home.

I cant believe its been about 8 months!!! Time, for the most part, is starting to fly by. I will see you all before we know it. I love you all, and thank you for all the love that you show to me. Till next time, Peace out!
Elder Goodman
aka BA
p.s. my shoes officially have holes in the souls

Some cool guys hanging out in the town square. I want to take them home:

I buried him while sleeping:

Ward Halloween party:

Elder Hatch in my suit:

Our awesome Christmas tree:

My new adventure coat:

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Priesthood is Real.

Hello hello hello! Its me. It's good to hear that everyone had a rad halloween! Rock on Tate ninja. Halloween in Stafford was pretty good, even though a lot of people do not like to celebrate it here. My Halloween basically consisted of going to our branch party, which was the classic food, music and Brother Campbelll dressing up and acting as a hardcore zombie and scaring everyone. He nibbled my arm. Haha it was a pretty fun night, and we got to bring some less actives and got to know a lot of the non-members that the members brought along. Haha oh yeah, I also got to be the judge for the Halloween costume competition. The little boy dressed up as a werewolf kid won by far. Party on.
So this mega cold. Winter is definitely in the air now, and my voice is pretty much gone (I sound like marcel the shell) and there is a cold battling on in my body right now, but life is still good! This week was really really good.
First off, Jagtar showed up to Ellaiyna's baptism! It was a mega suprise, but he showed, and I know that he felt the spirit. He is such a nice man, and I could see the little curiosity cogs working in his heart and brain. We are praying that we can keep on seeing and teaching him!
This week, I got to do something that I really really!! I love trains and train stations. They just pump adventure energy back into me! So we had specialized training up in Crewe which pretty much lasted all day, and we had to wake up at 5 in the morning to make it there on time. We were a bit zombiefied when we first got there, but all the trainings and hanging out with all the other missionaries pumped us back up. Its a bit weird to be one of the older missionaries now. There are so many new missionaries from the age change, so now the average age of the missionaries in this mission changed from 14 8 months...aka me! There is definitely a different vibe in the mission now, and I dig it. Down with the robots. But anyways, I learned a lot and bonded with a lot of the other missionaries and the ones in my district and of course all the missionaries from my MTC group. Elders Robinson, Hatch, Hill and sister Nemec. I love them all!
Then later on in the week, I got to travel up there again for a district leaders council meeting. It was way good to be able to input and help out this Newcastle Zone as much as possible. Our Zone leaders are Elder Walker (really black, recent convert who trained David Graham in BYU for track) and Elder Wirtula (100% Swedish). They make a good team, and I love serving with them. Together we set a goal of 18 baptisms this month...which is huge....but it is inspired. Miracles are about to happen.
In Stafford, miracles are happening. The sister's investigator Mark is going to be baptised in two weeks, and it is amazing to teach and help him all along the way. Its been a rocky road. I have had yet more opportunities to exercise the priesthood, and all I can say is...the priesthood is real. A less active lady named Dee Ivers desperately needed help, and we were able to help her mentally and spiritually overcome a recent tragedy in her life. The blessing's effect was powerful and direct. God truly loves and watches out for all of his children, and many times he works through his other children, us, to help those in need. I love this gospel, and to basically sum up my testimony that I bore on Sunday...I believe in second chances, and the priesthood, and the power of fasting is real. It was a miracle that Dee was able to attend church and partake of the sacrament due to her work and other circumstances, and it was a mircale to see the atonement work so quickly in her life.
Other miracles have been happening, such as Leon Ford having a change of heart after a very bold lesson, and meeting certain people on the street at the exact right time, after changing our plans right beforehand. It just all fits into place perfectly. Amazing things are going to happen here in Stafford, which is why I'm excited that I might get the chance to stay here for a third Transfer with Elder Hatch. Usually that doesnt happen, staying three transfers with the same companion, but it will be the Christmas transfer, so it would totally blow to move to a random new area and not know anyone. Woah...its almost christmas??? Woah
Well everyone, I love you all! I miss you all, especially during the holiday season, but I am where I need to be....
Haha random note, just now I was able to talk to a man in this library. He was harrassing us a bit, but now we are cool, he learned the truth about us, and he just walked out saying "hey I'll go spread the word that you are way cooler than the amish kids". haha nice
...but anyways. Thank you for all your words and your love. Enjoy the family around you! As you know, that's where the most happiness can be found. I love you and stuff, k bye!
Elder Goodman
aka BA