Monday, November 4, 2013

The Priesthood is Real.

Hello hello hello! Its me. It's good to hear that everyone had a rad halloween! Rock on Tate ninja. Halloween in Stafford was pretty good, even though a lot of people do not like to celebrate it here. My Halloween basically consisted of going to our branch party, which was the classic food, music and Brother Campbelll dressing up and acting as a hardcore zombie and scaring everyone. He nibbled my arm. Haha it was a pretty fun night, and we got to bring some less actives and got to know a lot of the non-members that the members brought along. Haha oh yeah, I also got to be the judge for the Halloween costume competition. The little boy dressed up as a werewolf kid won by far. Party on.
So this mega cold. Winter is definitely in the air now, and my voice is pretty much gone (I sound like marcel the shell) and there is a cold battling on in my body right now, but life is still good! This week was really really good.
First off, Jagtar showed up to Ellaiyna's baptism! It was a mega suprise, but he showed, and I know that he felt the spirit. He is such a nice man, and I could see the little curiosity cogs working in his heart and brain. We are praying that we can keep on seeing and teaching him!
This week, I got to do something that I really really!! I love trains and train stations. They just pump adventure energy back into me! So we had specialized training up in Crewe which pretty much lasted all day, and we had to wake up at 5 in the morning to make it there on time. We were a bit zombiefied when we first got there, but all the trainings and hanging out with all the other missionaries pumped us back up. Its a bit weird to be one of the older missionaries now. There are so many new missionaries from the age change, so now the average age of the missionaries in this mission changed from 14 8 months...aka me! There is definitely a different vibe in the mission now, and I dig it. Down with the robots. But anyways, I learned a lot and bonded with a lot of the other missionaries and the ones in my district and of course all the missionaries from my MTC group. Elders Robinson, Hatch, Hill and sister Nemec. I love them all!
Then later on in the week, I got to travel up there again for a district leaders council meeting. It was way good to be able to input and help out this Newcastle Zone as much as possible. Our Zone leaders are Elder Walker (really black, recent convert who trained David Graham in BYU for track) and Elder Wirtula (100% Swedish). They make a good team, and I love serving with them. Together we set a goal of 18 baptisms this month...which is huge....but it is inspired. Miracles are about to happen.
In Stafford, miracles are happening. The sister's investigator Mark is going to be baptised in two weeks, and it is amazing to teach and help him all along the way. Its been a rocky road. I have had yet more opportunities to exercise the priesthood, and all I can say is...the priesthood is real. A less active lady named Dee Ivers desperately needed help, and we were able to help her mentally and spiritually overcome a recent tragedy in her life. The blessing's effect was powerful and direct. God truly loves and watches out for all of his children, and many times he works through his other children, us, to help those in need. I love this gospel, and to basically sum up my testimony that I bore on Sunday...I believe in second chances, and the priesthood, and the power of fasting is real. It was a miracle that Dee was able to attend church and partake of the sacrament due to her work and other circumstances, and it was a mircale to see the atonement work so quickly in her life.
Other miracles have been happening, such as Leon Ford having a change of heart after a very bold lesson, and meeting certain people on the street at the exact right time, after changing our plans right beforehand. It just all fits into place perfectly. Amazing things are going to happen here in Stafford, which is why I'm excited that I might get the chance to stay here for a third Transfer with Elder Hatch. Usually that doesnt happen, staying three transfers with the same companion, but it will be the Christmas transfer, so it would totally blow to move to a random new area and not know anyone. Woah...its almost christmas??? Woah
Well everyone, I love you all! I miss you all, especially during the holiday season, but I am where I need to be....
Haha random note, just now I was able to talk to a man in this library. He was harrassing us a bit, but now we are cool, he learned the truth about us, and he just walked out saying "hey I'll go spread the word that you are way cooler than the amish kids". haha nice
...but anyways. Thank you for all your words and your love. Enjoy the family around you! As you know, that's where the most happiness can be found. I love you and stuff, k bye!
Elder Goodman
aka BA

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