Monday, November 11, 2013

Good things are happening here in Stafford!

Hey everyone! Greetings from the land of rain, gravy and fireworks. I love you all. Even though its cloudy and drizzly and cold nearly everyday, I'm loving life. Good things are happening here in Stafford!
So tuesday was none other than "remember remember the 5th of November", Guy Fawkes night (V for Vendetta). Basically, everyone just launches off a butt ton of fireworks. I was never a super fan of watching fireworks, but this celebration made it special. Sadly though, because of mission policy and safey reasons, Elder Hatch and I had to be in our flat by 5 pm, lame sauce. But we made the most of it, found a huge box of christmas decorations, and made our flat into christmas headquarters. Our tree is amazing. Mom, you would be proud.

So the rest of the week was pretty good! We were able to teach our investigator Paul who we havent seen in quite some time, and we were also able to meet with a newly returning member Paul Mcmanus (or Paul McWonderful as Sister Barney calls him). Things are going good with them both, and we are seeing the mighty changes that the spirit is having on their lives.

We had another adventure in Penkridge! It was really cold and there were some major McShivers going on, but we met some amazing people. First off, as we were hiking down a really long country road, we met a woman, who was actually baptized by Elder Hatch's uncle! Small world, small world. After that we had a very lovely but very loud evening with the Johnsons. The mother's name is Kay, and she is basically the best missionary mom ever. She takes care of us, and she makes killer hot chocolate. She might take us to some sights soon, and i'm really excited to see and learn more about the deep culture here. There is so much story for every little place here, and I love it.
So on Saturday morning, we got a random call from ours and the sisters investigator Mark. He is in the process of reconstructing his hectic life, and he said he needed our help. About an hour's walk later, we finally found his new flat, and he told us that he needed our help to move a washing machine from another members home into his flat. The problem is...he thought that we had a car. Nope. And we couldnt find anyone with a car big enough to transport the washing machine. So...we ended up putting our muscles on and the three of us carried a heavy washing machine across town, and back up his narrow stairs into his flat, all the while in our suits. It must have looked a bit odd, but hey, we did work. Spontaneous acts of service are so good, not only for our joy, but it also opens up the eyes of those recieving the service. Afterwards, we had a simple but powerful lesson with him, and I was filled with the spirit and he ended with his very humble, but very sincere prayer. We love Mark, and guess what...he is getting baptized this coming Saturday!! His story and conversion is really one big miracle, and all of us here in Stafford are stoked to welcome him into the branch.

On Sunday, we had a Rememberance service for all the soldiers who fought in the Great War with a moment of silence. It was a unique and very reverant experience, especially seeing everyone wear their red poppys on their coats. Afterwards though was really lame.....the heating system failed, so the chapel got pretty chilly and all the rest of the meetings were cancelled. At home, I probably would have been happy with church being cancelled, but was a major bummer. Very lame indeed. But anyways, Elder Hatch and I headed over to Tony Chapman's house and we made really good, cheeseless pizzas and chilled and had a good lesson. Tony is baptizing Mark, so we got him all prepared and stoked for that. Its amazing because he is such a new member himself, but he has a powerful and reverant testimony. I cant wait for Saturday! I love being a missionary and being on the front lines of all of this.
So other than being persecuted pretty hard in the gun/knife shop right before this, nothing else too crazy happened this week. Oh yeah I forgot, Sister Nemec in our district got head-butted in the nose really hard by a young woman in her ward. That was pretty funny. Its interesting to have a distict of all sisters. There is minor drama, and two of them have health problems, and Sister Barney might be sent home soon because of hers. I still love being a district leader to be able to look out and help and teach everyone...haha but sometimes I wish I could just....chill. Oh well, I will just hibernate hardcore when I get home.

I cant believe its been about 8 months!!! Time, for the most part, is starting to fly by. I will see you all before we know it. I love you all, and thank you for all the love that you show to me. Till next time, Peace out!
Elder Goodman
aka BA
p.s. my shoes officially have holes in the souls

Some cool guys hanging out in the town square. I want to take them home:

I buried him while sleeping:

Ward Halloween party:

Elder Hatch in my suit:

Our awesome Christmas tree:

My new adventure coat:

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