Monday, March 25, 2013

Visit to Manchester

Im so ready to get out of this MTC. I love my district and the food here, but my free spirit is going crazy. I just cant wait to find out where im going on wednesday and to finally get out in the field! Oh ya, it snowed pretty hardcore here for a couple days, and its frigid.
So i had a really cool experience in Manchester. You can ask heather for more of the deets, but I'll do the best I can to share. So i got to take a train from here in Chorley to Manchester, and that experience in itself was unique and im looking forward to more train rides through the england hills. On the train, I met a man named Danny. He was half african, half english and totally ripped, and had a huge scar across his face. He looked pretty rough, but I quickly became his friend and found out he is trying to clean up his life and become a graphic designer and design flip flops. He was super funny and charismatic. We talked for a long time, but once we arrived in manchester we parted ways. More about him later.
So in manchester, I soaked in all of the sights and smells of all the different cultures that crowded the streets. My sheltered Utah companion was overwhelmed by it all and was freakin out a was kinda funny to see his eyes open to the real world. I talked to many different people, and got a feel for the city, and we even gave out a couple Book of Mormons. As we were walking, me and my companion were cornered by an angry Indian guy, and he started verbally attacking us and telling us we were doomed and spreading wickedness. We ended up bible bashing for 45 minutes or so, finding out this guy was a preacher from some local church for 10 years. After my companion nearly lost his temper at him, I gave a powerful testimony to the man, and told him that these things that we say and read from the Book of Mormon are true. I had him read aloud Moroni 10:4-5, and the preacher calmed down immediately. I felt the spirit strongly, and knew that he had felt it too. He then accepted to take the Book of Mormon and study it, then we shook hands and parted ways. Amen.
So after spending a couple hours in Manchester, we headed back to the train terminal and guess who I saw.........yeah........Danny! We quickly began talking again and I knew this was not a coincidence of meeting him again. I talked to him more about the gospel, and even though he said he was atheist, he started to open up. I bore him my testimony and he glady took a Book of Mormon! Since he was really outgoing and funny, I was joking around that he should give out a Book of Mormon to a random stranger.....and he totally did it! Im loving this experience already, and I cant wait to be that spark that helps change the hearts of the people of England. I know that this church is true, and I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ will penetrate and spread through this land. I love you all, and I miss you all so much.
-Elder Goodman
aka BA

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