Monday, July 8, 2013

My English 4th of July, gnarly downhills and Coastal adventures.

Hello there my lovely family and friends! I love you and miss you all.
I hope you had a rad independence day and celebrated like true 'muricans! (My celebration consisted of me being alone with my dear portuguese friend Elder Caleira, and pumping America the Beautiful as loud as the speakers could handle, with me singly standing up and saluting to an American flag that I drew and hung up on the wall. It was epic).
My week was pretty good! First off, the weather has been brilliant. Beautiful sinshine, even though its way more humid, but I did get a noticable tan. Haha these old pasty missionaries and british people burn so easily. Haha sucks to be them right now! (nacho voice). Also, its much different here. Being in Europe, these people have a way lower standard of modesty, and as soon as the sun comes out, "wear the least amount of clothing as possible!"(their sun-sheltered mentality) And most of them......should not being doing this. Pasty chub that reflects the rays of the sun back into my missionary eyeballs is never attractive. Its quite awful. However, I love being in short sleeves everyday getting my tan on!
So this week we had another exchange, and Elder Caleira came here to Wrexham with me after our district meeting. I love him, and we already have plans to meet up later in life and we laugh about everything and about all of our awkward moments. But I am getting so tired of being stuck here in Wrexham. I've led the area for the past like 6 million exchanges, and this whole transfer has been me basically doing everything here. I have learned a lot, and I am basically a ward member and I have strong relationships with a lot of the families...but i need something fresh. Thats why I can't wait for tranfers in 2 weeks! I really really really hope I move out. Its simply time to move on.
So Elder Caleira and I got to do some service for a totally agriphobic lady (she is scared of everything that is nature). It was good work, and she fed us a really good hippie lunch. It was refreshing. We then did some everyday missionary stuff, but later on we watched The Work of Salvation broadcast with the ward council. I thought it was amazing, and it is exactly what the ward needs right now. The entire time, the bishop and ward misisonary leader and i were just giving the silent "lets do this" looks to eachother. The next day....I almost caused the death of Elder Caleira. Haha i felt so bad for him. We planned to ride bikes up to Mark and Sandra, and I warned him that it was a beautiful 40 minute ride, but there were some gnarly down and uphills on the way. He said he was totally down for it, and that he rode bikes in his last area and everything, so we went off. He immediately regretted that decision. I'm totally conditioned for it because I've made the ride several times...but him...not so much. I feared for his life on the downhills, and feared for his soul on the uphills. Luckily though, sweat drenched and gasping, he eventually made it. And we had a really good lesson with Mark and Sandra which totally made up for it! (at least for the ride there). The ride back had more uphills than the way there, and was more entertaining for me but more terrifying for him. Once to the flat, there was some major recovery.
The rest of the week was fairly average. Elder Bahr came back and we had a couple good lessons with Rosa and Abi and we did a crud ton of walking. We also went up to Rhyl on Saturday for a district leaders council. While the DL's were in the meeting, Elders Herbertson and Greenland(a fellow arizonan) and i worked around the coastal area. Of course we meet a few crazy ladies, and we met a shirtless man who could have easily eaten me, but overall it was pretty good. I love the sound of seagulls. Major california nostalgia.
On sunday, we had a special guest at church! Brother Chipman! He was the first missionary, apart from the famous Dan Jones, to open up the Wrexham area. When he came, there was literally nothing. No church members, no chapel, no help whatsoever. He talked to us for a long time, and it felt like he was some ancient missionary family legend and i was in his heritage or something. We got some good tips from him, except the notorious "baseball baptisms" concept. Basically, back then they got a lot of little kids together to play baseball, but they could only play if they got baptized. So wrong, and maybe one or two of them are still active. I hate it was missionaries manipulate people just to get numbers so that they can look good. It happened back then, and still happens, and thats why, especially in Wrexham, missionaries have a bad rep. Luckily we are helping restore the church's good name!!! The best way is just to love the people, and to let "all actions be motivated by love".
Personally, I am doing very well! I am happy, and have conquered my afflictions and i'm ready to keep on moving on. I love my life, and I love you all for being an amazing support. The time is somewhat flying by, and I want to make every moment count. Keep on having adventures and cherishing the people around you, because that's where the joy is. Until next time, peace out home skillets! Turrah!
Elder Goodman
p.s. The music never worked out. Elder Bahr has some good music so i'm not totally dying. If you are still willing to save my ears and musical soul, a cd will be the best option. Just make sure to send it to the mission office cause transfers are coming up and mail can get a bit hectic!
p.s.s. Thank you for the legendary Ron Swanson quotes. They recharge my soul somehow
p.s.s.s. Dont drink milk on a hot day. "Its so dang hot. Milk was a bad choice!" (Ron Burgandy)

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