Thursday, October 17, 2013

"Life's a Garden, Dig it."

Hello there you dirty beach bums! It sounds like you all had an adventurous trip. I love you all. I'm super pumped to join you there one day, but right now...I'm having some good times here in England! I am in love with all of the diverse cultures that I get to come across, and its giving me a taste of becoming a world traveler. One thing that I've noticed, back at home....most of us are pretty much only concerned and exposed to events and things happening in America, leaving us in kind of a cultural bubble...but its way different here. There is so much interaction and communication between cultures and ways-of-life and intertwined relationships, and I love it.
A couple days ago we were tracting, in a random and very posh neighborhood, and we knocked on the door of an older, Indian man (Jagtar) who turned out to be a devoted Seek. After a bit of hesitation, he invited us in, but then something amazing happened. We began to open up to each other, and we all instantly clicked! For nearly three hours, we had deep spiritual and theological discussions. We openly shared our beliefs and principles...only to find out that our messages were nearly the same (the main differences only being they followed under their Guru rather than a prophet, and the obvious lack of proper ordinances). It was all centered around loving others, and loving our Father in Heaven. But really, Jagtar had the spirit of truth with him, and I learned so much from him. It really opened up my mind to a greater capacity to think and discern truth. And the best part, he warmly accepted and agreed with the messages and principles in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as well. We shared much with him about the Book of Mormon, we he kindly accepted as a gift, and told us that he will read our "holy book". I cant wait to see him again, and I have a lot of faith because he said that "it was his life's journey to find the truth, wherever it may be", and I know that this church can fill in all those missing gaps and answer the questions which he is searching for.

Oh, another thing that made me incredibly happy.....I got the news that someone that Elder Chong and I found and taught in Wrexham just recently got baptized!!!!!! It took a lot of work, but Shutyee finally accepted the gospel on her own time. I never thought that I would be so happy seeing someone come into the church.

Oh yeah, another less spiritual thing that made me happy. We are working with a less active to bring him back into activity (Rob Moseley, the one with the weapons and metal shop), and he gave me a gift. Its a super rad and vintage, military pocket knife from WWII. I love him to death, and I will remember him forever.

Other than that, things have been pretty normal. It rains nearly everyday, but people walk around as if it wasnt. We explored a neighboring town, Penkridge, and found an incredible less active family there who we are now working with. Elder Hatch and I will be together at least another 6 weeks here in Stafford, which is good because we are getting along quite a lot better. We are working hard, and working a lot with the branch leaders to help out the best that we can. We are slowly building up our teaching pool, and we are soaking in the culture and the sights and all the little qwirks in people that make us laugh. I am loving my mission, and I'm at the point...where I dont want to come home, or not yet at least. Its a huge adventure, and the world has so much to offer. We just have to explore. "Life's a garden...dig it" - Joe Dirt

Kill Bill

Punk Rock Baby

Stoke zone missionaries and zone leaders

WWII knife

Coordination Meeting with the Deans

I miss you all, and I love you, and I hope my prayers for you are being answered that you are being kept safe and feeling the extra love. I will talk to you again on Monday, but for now...peace out!
Elder Goodman
aka BA

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