Sunday, October 13, 2013

Wall of Weapons, teaching and conference.

Hello everyone! Thanks for all the lovin. Not gonna lie, I'm a bit jealous about missing out on the beach camping and rad concert-ness, but luckily I am happily serving. I love the UK, but even though the sun hasnt gotten the memo that it needs to shine, I am in love with all the cultures and diverse accents and the humor and all of the people I have met and built relationships with. There are some truly amazing people here, and the people of England and Wales will always fill a chunk of my heart.

So about my week!:

I have been able to get really close with a lot of the branch members, especially Sister White (super funny and loud and busy older business woman, the only member in her family but has amazing kids), The Deans (internet crazed, hip and young family that make us hot chocolate and feed us fish n' chips and we laugh till our faces fall off, usually Elder Hatch is the victum of the humor, but he brings it on himself) and Brendon Mansfield (recently returned missionary who served in Canada, is very posh and eloquent, at one point I questioned if he was gay, but now I know he is just a normal guy who likes the classier things in life, and has a very british sense of humor. He is one of my best friends in the branch!). There are so many other lovely and crazy and lovely crazy families in the branch, but I think I would run out of time if I described everyone. But anyways, bonding with all of them has helped me to feel more at home here, and there is a greater sense of "family". I miss you all and no family could replace my own (because you are all bodacious), but these Staffordians are the next best thing I have.

We were tracking down and finding less actives one day, and we came across Robert Moseley. Oh my goodness, as soon as I walked into his eyes caught sight of his wall of weapons and my heart and brain nearly exploded, at the same time. Rob was way friendly, and he let me handle each sword and knife and antique little gadgets, and he really opened up to us. He then said "hey, I want to show you something"..and he led us into his big metal working shop, and he had all the tools and lathes and welding supplies that anyone would ever need! I felt like I had entered into my own personal paradise. Words cant describe it....but my face was happy. After browsing everything and hearing about how he made broadswords and restored old motorcycles and letting us shoot his air-rifle, we had a good discussion with him about the church. Basically he was baptizd when he was 13 and doesnt remember squat, so we are going to help him get back onto the right path. I'm pumped! He is such a good man and has a good heart.
We were also able to teach Paul! He was the one who randomly showed up to our chapel and caught the last part of Elder's quorum with us a couple sundays ago, but we were able to teach him this week! We met him at our chapel, gave him a little tour and showed him all the paintings, got to know eachother, then we had a powerful Restoration lesson. It had been awhile since I rehearsed Josephs first vision, but when it was time to say it, it came out natually, and the spirit was strong. Paul is so prepared, and I have a strong feeling that he will be baptized in the near future. The Lord's work is happening, here and now!!
General Conference was incredible. First off, I love watching it with a lot of my fellow missionaries, and then being able to hang out with eachother and eat and have piano jam sesh's between the conference sessions. There is such a strong sense of friendship between all of us, and i hope it stays that way even after the mish. But the actual Conference messages were way good, and they seemed to say everything I needed to hear, both for myself, and for my district. My favorite was probably Elder Uchtdorfs talk from priesthood session about RISING UP! It hit the spot, and I want to give that german a proper nice man hug. And of course, I love our dear Prophet. It was so sad to hear him talk about missing his wife, but it was inspiring to me and helped me with missing Heather. We will all be together again, which is such a simple yet beautiful statement. I know it to be true.
Thank you for everything, and especially the CD that you sent!! It was so good to hear all your voices and all your love, and especially thank you Randi for that incredible song. My eyes may or may not have gotten a bit sweaty. I love you all, and I cant wait to hear from you again! Till next time, enjoy the waves, enjoy the sunshine, enjoy life and peace out.
Elder Goodman
aka BA
p.s. can you believe it, the transfer is almost over already! I will find out whats happening on Saturday, but I wont be able to email until next thursday. Lame sauce. I'm pretty sure I am staying, but we will see what adventure awaits!

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