Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas party, crazy wind, freezing rain, good attitude.

Hello my beautiful family! Greetings from the land of wind and cold, Fox's Biscuits and hardcore Liverpool football fans. First off, I love you all. I am super mega thankful for all your love and your long distance Christmas gifts and lovin. Its weird not being home for Christmas, but I still feel close to all of you. Thank you Randi for that brilliant family film. My eyes may or may not have gotten a little sweaty from watching it and hearing from all of you. All the kids look so much older...but mom and look the same. Except for the mustache. I dig it. I am so thankful for this amazing family. It made me decide that even though my future will be full of travel and exploring...I never want to be away too long from you all. Family is where the happiness is. And yes....I did open all the packages you sent. Do you really think that a 19 year old boy on a mission would wait for christmas to open up his gifts? Lets be real here...not a chance. But thank you for everything! It meant a lot, and my feet feel like they are being hugged by a koala when I wear those slippers. Thank you, I love you all!
So my week was pretty good. Haha I'm glad that you got to see a picture of me as Ron Burgandy. The Christmas party was way fun, especially being able to be around some of my really good friends. We have a pretty tight group here. Sister Preston made an incredible Christmas turkey dinner which resulted in a major food baby. Elder Diederich and I gave a training on Charity, which I feel turned out very well. Everyone participated and the invitation was "to on monday, write a sincere letter to your family and SHOW THEM YOUR LOVE!" So watch out, one is coming. After food, we did our skits, and they were all suprisingly really funny. I think my favorite one was when a group did "the day in the life of a missionary", but elders impersonated sisters, and sisters impersonated elders. It was spot on. My newsteam did pretty well as well. It got in some laughs, which got the job done. After that, we chilled and watched Ephraims Rescue =really good. Then we did a white elephant exchange. I put in a funky weird Tiger claw thing with a box of Cadbury Chocolate fingers. Elder Diederich brought a Hollywood Hunks calender. I ended up with a stuffable outdoor rainjacket from Elder Clarke, while Elder Diederich ended up with a One Direction picture book. Haha "it sucks to be you right now" (nacho voice). After all that and some singing, we got to get all of our gifts and lovin from our family. Good times.
After all day in Machester, instead of going all the way back to Barrow cause it was getting late, we hooked up with our good friends the Bolton Elders and slept over at their flat. We got hardly any sleep, and lived life (as much as you can on a mission without being super dodgy), but it was way fun. Elder Sargent is flippin crazy. But the time my companion and I got back into Barrow Thursday afternoon, we were absolutley dead, zombie tired. Major power nap for lunch.
Working in Barrow has been absolutely suckish this whole week. It has been crazy windy and freezing and raining and hailing the whole second junk of the week, and I had to bust out the HotTuna jacket big time. We are told in the mission that "Christmas time is the best time to work because everyone is with their families and want to come to church". Yeah.....more like everyone is crazy busy shopping, taking shelter within their homes and not being bothered with anyone else because they have their families over. I have never had more appointments fall through in my entire mission. But on the bright side, Elder Diederich and I are partying on and are not letting anyone stop us from enjoying this Christmas holiday.
Well, I am super stoked to see and hear you all on wednesday!!!!!!! I am so excited. The plan is: I will be spending Christmas with the Kent family, and I will hook up on Skype at 4:00pm...which will be 9:00am your time? Elder Diederich and I will be on two seperate devices at the same time, so we should have longer times to talk to you! I dont know the Kent's skype username thing, but I have yours, so I should be able to contact you to start this shindig. I hope everything works out!
I love you all, and peace out till wednesday
Elder Goodman

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