Monday, June 23, 2014

Persecution puts hair on your chest.

Hello my adventurous family! Hearing about your nature travels makes me want to do a legendary fist-pump in this library because of your pure awesomeness. I can't wait to join you all again. Get the kayaks ready!
Anyways, life is pretty good here. This week has been a week of facing change. Here are the deets:

So on Monday and Tuesday, we spent a lot of time with the sisters. Mexican food, ninja, jam sessions, blitzing streets, swan feeding, and having a final BBQ at our friends the Elston's. It was really fun, but at the same time really sad because we all knew our separation was imminent. It really hit hard when we went over to help them pack and prepare their flat for the new missionaries coming to Southport in 6 weeks. I never thought that I would have more "friend separation" problems on the mission, but hey...that's how it goes. With all of that and Gary falling through, it's been a bit down here in Southport. Luckily though, the sun is still shining and it's time for a new adventure.
Our new district is now Elder Frandsen and I, Elder Clark (my good redneck friend from my group who was in my Wrexham district at one point, now serving in St. Helens), Elder Lee (Elder Clark's new trainee, still haven't met him yet), Elder Roberts (goofy, but chill zone leader) and Elder Christiansen (from my group, biggest goober that I have ever met. I have never seen so much pride in all my missionary life). So, this will be a transfer of bonding with our St. Helens Elders and avoiding our zone leaders. It's pretty much unanimous. Good times ahead.
On Thursday, I got to meet up with Elder Tuioti from my group and we headed off to Manchester to the new YSA building for a district leader's conference. No one gave us any directions, so we had a little city adventure trying to find our way around and asking locals. Basically all we were told by the zone leaders was that it was by an whenever we asked someone on the streets for directions, they looked at us like idiots. Haha turns out, there are no aquariums in Manchester....but there is an "aquatic center". Basically a glorified swimming pool. After a while, we found the building and had a pretty good meeting. And since it was one of the last meetings President Preston will be at (incredibly sad)...he bought us all Costco pizza. I love that man.
The rest of the week went pretty well. Elder Frandsen and I got split up one evening as we started teaching two groups of street bums who called us over. A homeless man almost punched me in the face, and we had to seriously defend our faith, so that was pretty exciting. This is a really heavy "finding" mission, and at first I dreaded it. But I have come to realize that finding on the streets is where our faith can grow the strongest, simply because that's where we get attacked and have to defend it the most. Persecution puts hair on your chest.
On Sunday, I taught both the gospel principles lesson and Elders Quorum lesson with like 5 minutes notice. I have faith in the spirit and God watching out for us...because half of what I said did not come from my own brain, and I am thankful for that because it really moved a lot of people. I want to be a teacher for the rest of my life.
Other than that, our week was filled with the same ol' same ol'. Finding, teaching, finding, teaching, eating, then more finding and teaching. Since we don't have other missionaries here to hang out with and recharge...I have set up a music room in our flat. Guitar, ukulele, harmonica, keyboard, and a sweet speaker system. That's where you can find me every night now.
Well my family, I love you all. Thank you for your love and keeping me updated on your outdoor journeys. Keep it up!
Till next time, peace out.

Elder BA

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