Monday, April 8, 2013

Second Week in Wales.

Hello hello hello! Greeting from the land of Wales:) Once again, I feel recharged by all of your love and how close knit and how great this family is. Knowing that we will all live together forever is my fiery hope, and I know it will never be burned out.
So this week has been loooooongg. Seems like I've already been here for a million and half years, and it definitely has been a mental and physical battle. At first i was feeling very down and drained, but don't worry, my spirits are high! Earlier this week was full of very very rude people, door slams and experiencing some heartaching sorrows. One of our investigators called us at midnight, and was in a very dramatic depressed state, and kept us awake late into the night. We ended up having to call some members to visit her and we had to stay on the phone in fear of our investigator putting herself in more mental and physical danger. Very tough. Luckily we are able to finally calm the situation and comfort her. It just made me realize how important it is to have that loving family support, and im so grateful to have a family like you.
So on the bright side, I got to do some pretty rad traveling! On Friday, we took a train up to Rhyl, on the northern coast of Wales. It.was.beautiful. So green, and so rustic. And the weather was absolutley amazing as well. It was actually sunny with clear blue skies for once! Reminded me of home for a bit. Except for the old castles in the distant cliffs. The reason we went up there was because my companion is a district leader and had a meeting with some of the others. Me and some of the other missionaries then went off together and tried some street contacting around the city. These missionaries were so much different! They were a bit younger, and both english, but they were so lively and happy and made missionary work actually fun. This is what I was missing. With this new attitude, I could totally be myself. Very refreshing, and we actually had a great deal of success. It also brought out more of my spontaneous side...aka the Mcdonalds. Delish. But eventually we had to hook back up with the others, and carry on with our work. This experience has pushed me to keep being Bryant, no matter the circumstances.
General conference brilliant, and definitely a different experience. We got with the other 3 sisters and 2 elders in our district and watched it in the chapel in Wrexham. Haha we were practically the only ones there, with only a handful of the other members. Here, people can only view it on the internet, and many people dont have the internet or have cruddy connections. Which made me more suprised to see that not much of the ward showed up. Oh well, the talks were amazing! My favorite talk was Pres. Uchtdorfs from the preisthood session. I loved how he said that church members are not suppose to all be cut from the same mold. And the title of being the literal Sons of God was powerful. I was super bummed though because we couldnt watch the Sunday afternoon session with Elder Holland!! i will anxiously be awaitng the next ensign. All the while listening, I was thinking about you all, and how i wish i could have been there watching it with you. Good memories.
So random things...that chinese girl we met was hilarious. So stereotypical asian university student. Very broken english, but know she knows about our church and has commited to read the Book of Mormon, with a twist. She challenged herself to read it all in one week until our next lesson. We warned her how hard it was..but she didnt care. Party on Christina:) I'll let you all know how that goes. So i got to ride the bikes this week! Finally I realeased some adventure energy and rode as fast as I could and caught some air off curbs and speed bumps. Not really sure if its mission appropriate....but it was much needed. Today im going to get my first haircut here! So next week I will send a picture of how bodacious or horribly butchered my hair looks.
I am thankful for you all and all your support and love. Keep on being the amazing people that you all, and listen to the general conference messages of STRENGHTEN THE FAMILY. Till next time, I love you all
ELder Goodman
A skate Park:

 His Hood:

An escape route:

The ward building in his hood:

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