Monday, September 16, 2013

Rain, rain and plenty of it.

Hello my loved ones! It was a very long week and it felt extra long since I have heard from you all, but I am super grateful for your words! I love you and miss you all, especially since this week included meeting a lot of member families and showing them pictures of all of you for intros and such. Its not been easy, but hey...a mission isnt suppose to be a bucket of puppies. Luckily though, I have had some really good experiences this week! Oh yeah first off, my companion.
Elder Hatch came out in the same MTC district as me, and has been in Southport for the past 6 months. Elder Hatch is a born and raised bubble Utahian from Orem,you could tell just by looking at him, which definitley makes working with him both interesting and frustrating at the same time. He can be a very loud, disrespectful and somewhat obnoxious person. Sorry, im venting. A lot of the time, I feel like I am babysitting, and I have to constantly remind him to stop being lazy and to be proactive and to stop eating all my food, but luckily I love him. We have some good laughs, but I honestly feel like I am doing all of the work myself without any support. Its definitely tough, and there is still so much more work to do, but on the plus side...its a great learning experience. My patience has never been more greatly tested, neither has my compassion nor self-control. I feel myself becoming a more peaceful and independant person.
Well, thats about it for now about Elder Hatch! I want to talk about something happy. So before our zone meeting, we were chillin at the Stafford Train Station, and I spotted a man a little ways away from our platform. I usually dont have a crazy urge to go up and talk to random people (even though I'm a 'missionary' I am still kinda the same keep-to-myself person. I have to force myself to talk to a lot of people) but I went up to him quite naturally and we started talking. He is Jamaican!!! His name is Asten, and we kicked off an awesome conversation. It was very hippie-love-everybody talk, but we started talking about the Gospel a bit. After some basic belief talk, he welcomed us to come over sometime! We havent been able to make it yet, but I really really hope it works out. He has been in my prayers. I think the thing that really sealed the deal between him and I was our love for music and the positive force it can be. And of course, he is a hardcore Bob Marley fan. It was so refreshing. In the middle of the quiet train station, he started belting out some of the classic Marley hits, No Woman No Cry, Redemption Song, Buffalo Soldier, and even though I didnt have a rad Jamiacan accent like him, I joined along and sang too. It has probably been one of the bet mornings I have ever had on my mission so far!
Hmmm, so other random thing of my week:
We have been meeting a lot with a recent convert named Tony. He is amazing, and he has become a really good friend. He has been going through some really hard and heartaching times, but it was amazing to see how the priesthood blessing we gave him immediately enlightened his soul. He had never had a blessing of comfort before, and we thanked us with open arms and tears in his eyes. Once he recovered well, him and I kept up with the good vibes and we got out his guitar and had a little jam session. I love music and how it can bring people together!
Yesterday, in church I was able to give a 15 minute talk in sacrament meeting and then taught the Elders quarom lesson. I love teaching, and I love teaching while being in tune with the Spirit. It feels somewhat natural.
It has been raining like crazy!!! I have never seen so much rain in all my life. Nearly everyday it has poured down, and yesterday while walking to our tea appointment, a huge semi truck drove across a puddle next to us, and we were soaked with a tsunami of rain water. Lovely. But luckily, we soggily made it to tea, and got to air out a bit. Oh, another thing I have noticed is that....I have been craving and destroying eggs lately. It seemed weird to me, but then it clicked. There has been very minimal sun all week, so no vitamin D, but eggs are loaded with vitamin D right? By body is telling my what it needs. Thanks body, high five. You rock.
On Saturday, there was a member baptism at the church, which I got to go to. To my suprise, the whole Pierce family from Wrexham came, and it was like a big reunion! It seriously felt like I was seeing family again, and I was so happy. It make me only realize how happy I will be when I actually get to see you, my real family.
Well other than that, its just been a week full of finding and also getting to know a lot of the members, which are not a lot. Its been good, and I'm exciting to just keep on working in the area and also being able to help and serve those in my district. I find joy in the service, and I hope that I can be a postive influence to all those around me. I love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, and I love all of you and I thank you for all the support and love and bodaciousness that you share to me. Until next time, peace out home skillets!
Elder Goodman
aka BA

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