Monday, January 20, 2014

Connie's Baptism.

Hello everyone! So right as I was about to leave my flat, a fat stack of letters came through the door, all from this rad family! I haven't gotten the chance to read them yet, but I am stoked to hear all your lovely words. Thank you for all the love and support. This family is incredible. I love you all.
So anyways, life is good here in Barrow! Here is a sneak peak of my week:
Haha so on monday...we had a bit of an adventure. After emailing and p-day chilling and such, my companion and I hit up the skate shop (I could have stayed in there for hours. It was legit), and we also browsed all around the music store right next door. It was basically a mini Guitar Center and my heart was insanely happy to be in there. I miss playing so much. So....I bought a ukulele!! I talked for a long time with the Scottish store manager for a long time about Scotland, hiking, and life in general, and finally...what is the best travel ukulele to buy. Long story short, I came out of that store with a brand new musical baby.
Continuing on with the monday adventure, our WML George took us out to a carvery to eat. It was all good until the journey back home. George pulled out of the car lot and a car almost hit us, so that was a bit sketch, but we were making fun of him for being "drunk". After that, we were going around a round-about and then while trying to avoid a cyclist on the left side...George ended up running over one of the central road medians, blowing out both tires on the right side. It wouldn't have been so bad, but....he didnt have any spares, and we had a car loaded with our groceries, and it was raining, and we were stuck on Barrow island. Haha so he called a recovery truck to come pick us up. It took over an hour for them to reach, I busted out the ukulele and played in the car the entire time and made a qwirky song about how the universe was not on our side tonight. Haha it made time pass on quickly, and finally a grumpy man in a truck came and loaded up the car, and we all headed home. It spiced up our usual monday night for sure.
Ah snap, I dont have too much time today. Well, here are the important bits.
I finally got the explore the coasts on Walney island!
Working in the rain=major wife points.
We found a new investigator on Walney, and I learned a very important lesson to never ever judge. Stacy is a young mother of 3, and her yard was totally thrashed and filled with rubbish and initially I thought "woah, whoever lives here is such white trash". Turns out, Stacy is going through a lot of struggles, and her neighbors are absolutely horrible and verbally abuse her, tried to run her over several times while she was pregnant, and dump all their rubbish into her yard. She is living in a horrible situation, so I desperately hope that we can help her out anyway that we can.
Connie was baptized!!!! Saturday was such a good day. Not that many people showed up, but it was perfect because the spirit was strongly there, and Connie had such a good experience. She is still the same old witty/semi-crude lady that she was, only with a new added light about her. We are all so happy for her. Convert baptisms are incredible, especially here in England when there are so few and far in between. I love this work, and I know that even though we are very far from perfect, as long as we make our best effort with a strong heart...Heavenly Father will take care of the rest. We will be alright. It's as simple as that.
Well my loved ones, I hope all is well with you. I am so happy that Brien and you all could see inside the Gilbert Temple!!! One day.
I love you all. Keep on having radventures, and always make sure family is the tight-knit center. Till next time, peace out!
Elder Bryant Goodman

Oceanic stance of power
graffiti seaside bunker

Ocotpus Bunker


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