Monday, February 24, 2014

The Barrow Tribe Burger Blitz

Hey everyone, greetings from the land of Barrow. Just a warning, I am crazy tired and my brain didnt get the memo to wake up yet, so sorry if this letter is a bit lame and/or short. I seriously wish I could just hibernate for a week. But anyways, I'm pretty happy. It's pretty easy to be happy when you don't take everything in life so seriously. Come what may and love.
So, here's this weeks deets:
On tuesday, we officially started the legendary Barrow Tribe tradition of......BBQ Blitz!!!!! The Kendal elders came down and we started off our blitz with an all out, homemade burger fest. We had all the essestials: beef, cheese, avacodo, bacon strips, coca cola,knives, crips, buns, bacon strips, spices, music, more beef, more cheese, and bacon strips and bacon strips and bacon strips (epic meal time voice). The only thing missing was Jack Daniels. Following pics will contain awesomeness.
After the BBQ, Elder Diederich and Werner split off, and my fellow Arizonan and I teamed up and hit the streets. We ended up finding a super solid man named Mark, and we had a crazy good lesson on the spot with him. He invited us to sit next to him on his little park bench, and we opened up and expounded the Book of Mormon to him. Mark was incredibly prepared to hear the gospel, so we hope that that desire of his will keep on growing. Let's go Mark.
Hardly anyone here are even slightly interested in religion finding that one person who will actually talk about it is incredibly refreshing.
Elder Hamblin and I were able to sneak ourselves to Transfer meeting with our companions, and it was a proper good time. It made me realize how old I was in the mission, especially seeing many of my older missionary friends bear their farewell testimonies. It was good though, I got to meet up and chill the whole time with Elder Caleira. He is still by far my best friend in the mission. Definitely a life-long friend.
There are so many new baby-faced missionaries.
At the meeting, I met up with my new companion Elder Jenks. Haha oh man...this will be an interesting transfer. He is nice, but such a goober. Just think, socially awkward homeschooled kid from small mormon town Idaho who is a hardcore gamer and writes fantasy books. 6 more weeks here....I can do this.
I tested him out though on Saturday by working and walking nearly the entire day on Walney Island. No success whatsoever, but he is willing to work hard, so I can work with that.
The Kents are pretty much family. Mum, I hear you and Abi are pretty tight? Cool beans. Convince them to move to Arizona.
Tomorrow I finally get to go the Temple!!!!!!! The last time I went was last May, and it's been killing me. I love the temple, and I'm super stoked to finally see the new video. I am looking forward to pondering inside of the celestial room and getting that spiritual boost that I am craving. I have a very strong testimony of the temple, and its truly the house of the Lord.
Well everyone, I love you all. Till next time, peace out
Elder Goodman
BA HotTuna

 ** Love the "no sideparts" symbol.

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