Monday, February 3, 2014

The Elements were having a hormone disorder.

Hello all my lovely people. Greetings from the Furness peninsula. I love you all. This week, I think the elements were having a hormone disorder. Seriously, the wind, rain, hail and psuedo-snow never stopped. It makes missionary life interesting. I could go on and on about the weather, but I don't want to fall into the typical Englishman stereotype. So anyways, even though I want to get out and move on from this flippin area, I am happy. Sometimes we have to choose to be happy. That's ok though, it builds character.
This week's deets:
Monday was a pretty good birthday. We traveled out to Cartmel and got the famous sticky toffee pudding....and its easily in my top 3 favorite desserts ever. It was way good. The little cottage/restaurant that it was in was pretty rad too. The second story floor was totally lop-sided and slanted, and the walls were far from straight, and the natural wood beams were showing, so it had this really cool vintage, harry potter vibe to it. I will definitely be going back there again in the future.
The rest of the day was pretty chill. I finally got ke-baptized. Kebabs are proper nice, at least for the first 30 minutes. The rest of the day we relaxed and I played ukulele and picked up my sketch pad again. It felt good to get the creative juices flowing.
We had a Zone Leader Blitz in Barrow! Our good friends Elders Wirtala and Peterson came up and we spent the whole day destroying Barrow. Ultimately, Barrow and the frigid wind ended up destroying us, and most of our appointments fell through. Lame. However we did end up finding a couple potentials to start teaching. Elder Peterson and I spent the entire day working on Walney island, tracking down all the less-actives, tracting street after street and talking to nearly everything living on the street. The happiest moment of our day: This super old man on this scooter thing (it looked like a Harley Davidson motorcycle and an old man scooter had a baby. It was pretty rad) gave us a big ol' toothless smile and pulled over and started talking to us. It was probably the best religious converstion that we had all day, and in mid sentence, he bowed his head and started saying a very humble and thankful and heartfelt prayer. It was incredibly on the spot, but a very gentle spirit could be felt from this man as he thanked God for us and what we do. It totally brightened up my day. Even though his wife wants nothing to do with us, I hope that we can see that man again.
In the evening after our Taco feast  (thank you mum for the ingredients), we all packed up and headed to Lancaster and stayed in the Zone Leaders flat because of early interviews the next morning. It was fun, even though I ended having to sleep on the hard ground with only my love blanket (thank you heather) and a stuffed penguin as a pillow. It was a rough night, but the following interviews with president in the morning were good. I love President Preston, and it will be sad to see him go. After interviews, we had a specialized zone training, so it was good to see some of my other brochachos again. Oh yeah, there are some flippin weird new missionaries now. I am beginning to feel old. There is also this new Russian elder who freaks the crap out of me. I dont know if its his supreme unibrow, or him doing tricep dips on the chairs off in the corner by himself. I hope we can become friends.
I just typed something here about the working and weather conditions here in Barrow, but I just deleted because it sounded like I was a sour-patch. Its my goal to be more positive and to just love what comes. I hope I get the flip out of here soon, but I will continue to work and fulfil my purpose here in Barrow, whatever that may be. I have no idea at the minute. But I want you all to know, I love you. I pray for you all every night, and I am incredibly grateful for all that you have done for me. Keep on being cool. Till next time, peace out!
Elder Bryant Goodman
aka BA
p.s. thank you for the birthday package!!!! I dig the beanie. My ears are warm and happy

my medieval mug
Barrow blitz at sunset

Sticky Toffee Pudding:

Who's throwing rocks at our window? Oh, it's hail.

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