Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter in Southport. Power of Prayer.

What's up home skillets?! First off, bank holidays suck. They totally throw off my groove, but I'm happy that I got to finally read your words and email today. This library is overloaded and we barely got our computer reservations. It's a bit hectic, but now...I just get to chill and type out my brain thoughts. Life is good:) I love you all, and I hope you all had a killer Easter. 
Ok first, I will rewind a bit and give you this weeks deets:

The missionary work this week really really picked up, which was much needed. There was a lot of prayer, and Heavenly Father rewarded us with a lot of prepared people that we met on the streets and trains. It feels good to teach people that are genuinely interested in what we have to say. Oh yeah, a mini miracle happened. So our focus has been to find a family, and also to help boost up Bishop's confidence. So, I asked him to pray about an area that we can go find a family in. Apparently, Bishop took it really really seriously, prayed and pondered hard, and basically gave us a whole battle plan of what area's to hit and in what order. So one day we went to the first street in the area to go finding, and after about 30 or so doors...we found a family! It was incredible, and the Steph, the mother, was so happy and open to hear about what we had to say. The spirit was strong as we focused on eternal families, and she invited us back again. As soon as Elder Bradley and I left her door, there was a flurry of high fives and prayers of thanks. We then called Bishop to give him the good news, and he was super surprised, but it gave him a major confidence and faith boost! Hopefully this is just the beginning to the work boost here.

Other than that, we just met a lot of interesting people on the streets and we explored around Southport and Liverpool and the beach more. Fun adventures. Oh yeah, we went over to a members home one night, only to find that they locked themselves out of their house. They were panicking a bit, and were just about to break the window, but then inspiration hit. Long story short, I ended up climbing up through the second story window and squeezed in and unlocked the door from the inside. Byron, their 13 year old, came up to me after and said " thank you thank you so much...you just got me out of so much trouble". Haha now we are tight.

One night, our appointment fell through so we were left with nothing planned for the last hour of the day. We were walking through town center and passed a group of hood-rat skaters. After a dare from Elder Bradley, I walked over and started talking to them...and ending up getting challenged to a game of SKATE. Haha so I rolled up my sleeves and borrowed one of their boards, and we had a legit game of skate. I wasn't doing too bad until the kid I was playing, Daniel, moved over to the 4 stair and started busting out some tricks over the gap. I ended up just doing one ollie off the 4 stair but after that I was just like "I'm done, if I get hurt, I'm dead". So he crushed me in the end, but we earned some major props with that crowd. Since then, we passed the skate park and saw Daniel there, and we got a wave of respect. It felt good.

Nothing too exciting happened after that, but yesterday morning we had a huge ward football match. I am loving the sport now, but am still no match for these European naturals. I am loving the ward so far, but its such a huge change from my other areas. A good portion of them are temple workers, and they are so posh and formal, especially at tea appointments, and I feel way out of my comfort zone just coming from Barrow. It's been fun getting to know them all though. Easter Sunday was very good, and we had a solid 90 or so come out (the largest number that I have seen my entire mission). 

Well everyone, I love you all. Life is good at the minute, and I'm grateful that you are all doing well. It's crazy, I will be able to SKYPE in just a couple weeks! And next Easter, I will get to spend it with you. Thank you for all your love, and all your awesomeness. Till next time, peace out!

Elder Bryant Goodman


Meditation balcony

Flag Wall

Grandma bedroom

Weight room



living Room

Tarn Haws hike

money tree

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