Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Football and Drunkards.

Hey everyone! First off, happy birthday sister! (more to say later on). Haha seriously, your beach bum adventures are making me day dream super hard right now, and it's super hard to type.
My week has been good though. Here's the quick deets (huge time crunch today):

I had an exchange in Liverpool with Elder Roberts. Liverpool is always an adventure.

Back in Southport, we were walking through Hesketh Park and challenged a whole group of people to football, and Elder Frandsen and I won! Take that you smelly English pig dogs! Anyways, we ended up teaching them, and 4 of them asked really intelligent questions, showed really good interest, and became new investigators! They, along with many other random on-the-spot lessons with good people, are slowly building up our teaching pool, which is what we desperately needed. Not only that, but one of the former investigators here has been coming back to church, and she is showing good progress and is looking good for baptism in the near future! We are taking it slow, but I can totally see it happening. The work is pumping up, and it's awesome.Haha Elder Frandsen took one for the team and got rebuked really hard on the bus by the driver for preaching. Stick it to the man.

This week's theme, drunkards and pot-heads calling us over to "change their lives". Their intentions to bash us reversed though, and every time their hearts were softened and we were actually able to teach and laugh with them. This one man even bought us drinks while we taught him right outside the pub!
Anyways, the truth is unconquerable, the Holy Ghost is real, the gospel brings peace, and people are inherently good, sometimes you just have to dig a little deeper.

I love you all, and I hope you continue to have a chillax radventure by the coast. You are the best family ever. Till next time, peace out.

Elder BA

p.s. transfer calls this Saturday! pretty sure I'm leaving, but who knows, I have been surprised before.

p.s.s. It.is.your.birthday 

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