Monday, July 7, 2014

Hospital teaching and more kisses from homeless ladies.

Snap, hold on while I try to overcome my beach camping trunkiness...AHHHHHHHHHHHHH....ok I'm done for now. Seriously, I wish I could be there with you all right now! I can't wait for those good times again to enjoy the sun and water and with you. It's crazy to see everyone grow up so much, but it makes me happy to hear that all of you are still adventurous, funny, witty, sarcastic and good friends. Best family ever.
And even before this email, I have been having some wicked daydreams of SUP surfing. It's catching on, even over here in England!

Anyways, drawing my mind away from your beach adventures, here's what happened in my not-nearly-as-epic week:

So the work has been really dead lately, but we have been able to have some really good small moments. For example, we had a little hospital adventure. Alma Perry, a really old, witty, less-active, funny lady who we have been teaching was in the hospital for about 2 weeks before we were actually able to go visit her. When we finally got there, we found that she had totally packed up her bags, ready to go...without the doctors really telling her it was ok to go. Haha so that was pretty funny to see her all ready to escape, and we also got to be there when she was bantering with a lot of the nurses. We were there for quite a while, but the amazing thing was that there were a lot of good people in her hospital ward, and the lady sitting next to Alma began to ask us some really good questions. Long story short...we ended up teaching a lesson to basically everyone who wanted to listen in there, and even one of her nurses joined in! It was a really unique teaching experience, and the spirit was strong. Afterwards, we ended up wheeling Alma out of there, catching a taxi home with her, only to teach the taxi driver on the way. Overall, it was just a really unexpected but good day...especially due to the fact that I hate hospitals.

We got to slack-line at Hesketh Park! We saw some families gathered together trying it out, just like our family has done in the we went over and asked if we could try, and they welcomed us! They were a bit hesitant at first, but I think having the chance to film 2 Elders embarrassing themselves slack-lining softened their hearts a bit. It was fun though, and they were good people. I am totally rusty.

The 4th of July was incredibly lame (except for the food mum, that was lovely. We had a killer BBQ. Thank you!). After singing The Star Spangled Banner in the morning over the phone with the other 'muricans in our district, we basically spent the whole day walking in the rain. I miss freedom

I don't know why, but all the flippin homeless people flock to us! Sure they are good people, but I am getting tired of smelly homeless women kissing me on the cheek in the street. They are pretty funny to teach though, the alcohol asks us some pretty "deep" questions.

The highlight of the week was definitely our Family Fun Day! Basically, we just had a big BBQ and games and junk at our chapel with the whole ward. It was good to see everyone come together. Bragging time= one of the games was a Wellie throwing competition. For you Americans, that's basically a rubber rain boot. The competition was to see you could hurl it the furthest...and I won it for the men's group! My prize was a golden wellie for the trophy, so you'll probably see it when I get home. Win one for 'murica.

Other than that, it's been a pretty boring week. President Ulrich is officially here, so we are starting the transition. We will get to meet him on Thursday, so I hope everything will be cool beans.
Oh yeah, I am going to the temple with Alex this coming Saturday!! I am so stoked to see him again, my welsh brother from another mother.

Well my dirty beach pirate family, I love you all. I can't wait to join you at the beach next year, but until then...just keep on having Brien fill my place. Thanks for looking our for him. Peace out everyone, enjoy your time together!

Elder BA 

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