Tuesday, August 26, 2014

6 months left!

What's up everyone?! I love you all. Bank holidays are still so funky to me, it really throws off the groove. But hey, I am still happy and life is still good, especially with a belly full of homemade coconut cake that Elder Plumb and I made from scratch for Sister Toly's birthday. Be proud of us mum. 
So this week's quick deet's=
It seemed like everyone wanted to bash with us this week. Jehovah's Witnesses, Pagans, atheists, Catholics...the whole shebang. My whole mission I have avoided bashing with people, but this week...yeah we stuck it to the man (well, as much as you can as a missionary). It has seriously strengthened my testimony though, and showed to me that 18 months of sincere and deep study has really paid off. I am with Joseph Smith, when he said “A man is saved no faster than he gains knowledge....and knowledge is power". I believe that the more you study, the more material the Holy Ghost will have to work with, and with the Holy Ghost, you will never be confounded before men, because the Holy Ghost fears no man. 
Yesterday, we were able to go to the temple and see the new video! It was incredible, and it was so god to see all of my good missionary friends again. Hatch, Bradley, Klingonsmith, O'brien, Maughan...and so many others. I never thought I would make so many true friends on my mission, and the reunion was sweet. Pondering more on reunions....in 6 months, it will be the best one ever! I.am.so.stoked.
Other than that, the week was full of teaching and walking and finding and exploring Formby and meeting crazy people, then meeting with normal people, only to find out that they are crazy too. Everyone has a little bit of crazy in 'em. 
This Saturday, I get to go to Gary's baptism!!!! It's been a long and bumpy road, but he finally made it. I can't wait to see him face to face again and give him the biggest bro-hug of his life. Seeing the process of change in Gary has been one of the greatest highlights of my mission, and I will remember it forever. Missionary work is joy.
Well everyone, I love you all. Keep up with the adventures and never settle for mediocrity. Till next time...peace out!!

Elder BA

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