Monday, August 18, 2014

The Crosby Blitz.

Hey there everyone. Not gonna lie, it's kinda a surreal feeling right now only having about 6 months left till I see you all again. It hit me pretty hard today, and as of right now in this library...I am mega trunky. It's crazy, all week I was actually thinking about and reminiscing about the cabin...then I check my email and bam!!! cabin pics. I just can't wait till i can join you all there again.
As for me this week, things have been going pretty well. Elder Plumb and I are finally starting to really open up to each other and bond more, which has made the work way more enjoyable. We have also been bonding with a few of the ward families, and the Pattons and McKenna's and the Standley's are all seriously some of my favorite families I have met in the mission, besides the Kent's of course. Even though the members here are in small number, for the most part they love the missionaries. And when you are real and down to earth with them, they are real with you and take you in, and you really feel like part of the family. 
This week we had the Crosby Blitz, with all 30 missionaries in the Liverpool Zone come to Crosby and work the streets all together. It was an incredible experience, and now both companionships here in Crosby have about 30 new people each to go contact. I am so stoked to go out and meet and work with them! Elder Plumb and I alone found an incredible investigator named Amy, and after wards it made Elder Plumb so happy...he voluntarily gave me a hug of pure joy...and this is the same kid who thinks any man-to-man hug is homosexual and in his words " nah man that's queer" (redneck accent). Hopefully it will kick start this ward again. 
Other than that, this week was full of normal missionary work, pick-up football matches, skating with some kids, picking blackberries, spitting out sour blackberries, eating paella with the Pattons, laughing at Elder Plumb, going on another exchange in Liverpool, pinching a crazy nerve in my neck, handling sister drama, stepping in dog poop, and running in the morning on the beach. 
Life is good, and time is going by crazy fast. Being real, I am happy doing the Lord's work here and befriending so many people and doing what I truly love, teaching.......but I am so stoked and excited to see and be with you all again. Well, it's going to go by fast here, so I will enjoy it to the utmost awesome levels as I can. So in the meantime, take care, I love and miss you all, and peace out. 

Elder BA

p.s. next monday is a lame bank look for my words on tuesday

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